Saturday, December 14, 2013

Alisa Bosconovitch

"Greetings, I am Alisa. Now I must terminate you"

Character Description

Alisa is a new character introduced in Tekken 6. She is an android which resembles the daughter of Dr. Bosconovitch. Her fighting style is "Fighting Dance" style. She doesn't have other stances, but instead, has her own mode which is "Fight Mode" wherein her hands turn into chainsaws that can rip through enemies. Turbo wings sprout through her back whenever she speeds up or flies. This is also one of her advantages since it makes her attack stronger and faster.

Personality and Characteristics

On her normal mode, she is seen to be very sweet. She also seems to be playful as she loves to make her head fall to prank whoever she wants to, and also uses this as a move wherein she gives her head to the enemy, and then makes it explode. Her P1 costume is a violet gown with a blue flower. Her P2 costume is a Japanese shirt and a mini-skirt colored in pink. Although she is an android, it can be barely realized as her looks in normal mode resemble an innocent looking teenager.

Unlike most robots, Alisa possesses emotions. She is a very kind-hearted individual. She speaks in a polite manner and is sensitive to others' feelings. She also knows family values as well; as evidenced when she tells Lars to not point a gun to his father, Heihachi. She does not want to fight and hurt her enemies. Obviously, she is very intelligent, often speaking in technical terms. In some situations, when people call Alisa a robot, she denies that fact and insists that she is a human being. When she was commanded by Jin, she doesn't recognize Lars, she performs his commands at full efficiency, and performs deadly abilities. Although, this could have been caused because at one point during the command, Jin tells Alisa to disable safe-mode and then reboot. This could be the reason why Alisa wouldn't answer Lars pleas as not to fight her.


Alisa's Normal Mode

Alisa's Destructive Mode (Down+Left&Right Punch)

Although she doesn't have a different fighting stance from her original stance, she has another mode, which is her Destructive Mode. In this mode, her arms turn into chainsaws, which is very effective against enemies. However, this mode only last for a while, as a single attack from the enemy makes her return to her normal fighting mode.

Alisa's strong part is her feet as her kicks deal a large attack to the enemies, because of it's turbo, which makes the kick faster and have more impact. Her punches are just average, but if used wisely, can do a combo that is hard to escape. The effect of her strong attacks is a purple circle that is shown flashing when the attack is being inflicted upon the enemy.

  • Her moves are fast.
  • Her kicks are very strong and versatile, perfect for spamming
  • She takes a long time recovering
Her Destructive Mode can be gone easily


Prologue (In-Game Text PSP)

Deep within a lush and thriving forest lies a heavily defended research facility. This facility was a research institute named after its director, Bosconovitch. This facility was very important, as it was here that the Mishima Financial Group's most sensitive military equipment was developed. Located at the core of the research center was a room that kept its most prized possession: a clear capsule, in which a young girl slept soundly. Her name: Alisa Bosconovitch. She was created by Doctor Bosconovitch and design to served Jin Kazama.

Scenario Campaign (Unofficial Synopsis)

Alisa's journey begins when a man named Lars Alexandersson awakens her out of cryosleep. Suddenly, G Corporation's Jack-6 robots attack both Alisa and Lars. Alisa retaliates by using her chainsaws to saw off a JACK robot. Then, later in the game mode, they meet Lee Chaolan who is the foster brother of Lars Alexandersson. Lee is against Kazuya Mishima and G Corporation, just like Lars and Alisa. Near the end, it is revealed that Alisa was built to protect Jin Kazama. Alisa betrays Lars and later a big battle eccors, Lars then fights Jin Kazama. His nephew explains about the chaos he started around the world. It was a theory by a woman named Zafina. She said that Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima are the two evil stars of the Devil Gene to awakenAzazel. They both came into combat contact, awakening his spirit. He said that he must put an end to the Mishima Bloodline and save the world from Azazel's existence. Suddenly, Golden Azazel emerges in front of Lars and Jin. Jin expected this and performed a strong punch towards Azazel's chest (where is known to have been placed by the mysterious orb that seemingly keeps Azazel alive). However, Jin and Azazel fall to their deaths. Later, Nina Williams explains to him about Jin's plot for world domination with the Mishima Zaibatsu and leaves on a Mishima Zaibatsu helicopter. Lars leaves theMishima Zaibatsu and is aquired with a new job with his new partner Raven. Later, Alisa is taken into hospital by Lars. When she wakes up fixed and better than ever she writes in her journal and says the forcast is sunny today is going to be a good day.

If you have problems with this character, do not forget to PM me at this email address:

All copyrights are to Namco, Bandai, and all of Tekken's distributors, crew, staff and producers.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Emelie De Rochefort (Lili)

"My battles.. are for my father"

Character Introduction

Lili was first introduced in Tekken 5, and appeared also in Tekken 6. Lili is famous among players because of her sweet looks and her moves. Perhaps you already played this young girl before reading this blog. She is known to be the "rich girl" from Monacco with her rich father. Lili's fighting style is "street fighting". She loved fighting at a young age since she was kidnapped for ransom, wherein she managed to take out one of her kidnappers. She is often accompanied by her butler, Sebastian

Personality and Characteristics

She is know to be "bratty" and spoiled by her father. Although she possesses negative traits, she also has positive traits, like caring for her father. She is the youngest character in the Tekken franchise (she is 16 years old). She is also seen as very graceful with her moves. She speaks Japanese even though she is from Spain. Her hair is blonde, and her clothes in most posters is her uniform, which is composed with a red necktie and a white dress, indicating that she studies in a elite school. 


Her only different stance from her normal stance is her Back Turn stance, in which as the title implies, shows her turning her back from the enemy. Her speed is medium. However, her moves will not take a great effect if her enemy is a great defender. Her moves as seen in her gameplay is very graceful. As a character, she is considered to be one of the best side steppers in the game. She has relatively simple combos, has a wide range and versatility in her juggles, and has amazing damage. There are several wall-carry distance variant combos, safe wall-splat moves near walls, and max-damage combos for stages with no walls, with high okizeme off of each one. Each successful throw or launch can also potentially result in a full-on relaunch.
Original Stance

Backward Stance (Down+Left&Right Kick)


  • Her kicks can make combo's that are very strong
  • Her punches are fast and very agile
  • Her kicks are slow
  • Her combo's can easily be dodged/shielded


Prologue (In-Game Text)

Lili entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 without her father's knowledge, and was beaten by Asuka Kazama. To add insult to injury, her father soon discovered that Lili had entered the tournament. Prohibited from leaving home, Lili was unable to take revenge on Asuka. It was then that her father's oil fields were taken over by the Mishima Zaibatsu. The company fell into disarray, and Lili's father collapsed due to stress. Lili was concerned for her father's well being. She figured that if she could get back his oil fields that had been stolen by the Mishima Zaibatsu, she would be able to relieve her father's anxiety. While she was formulating her plans, the Mishima Zaibatsu announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6. Unable to pass up such an opportunity, Lili enters the tournament in order to help her father.

Ending (Unofficial Synopsis)

Asuka is hastily peddling her bike. She exclaims that she's going to be late for school. As she is about to seemingly careen into the place, Lili's limousine appears out of nowhere. Asuka screams and crashes her bike, making her lunch fall to the ground. Lili gets out of the limo in her Monegasque school uniform and goads Asuka into a fight, stating that she's finally found her but their reunion will be short-lived. The two exchange fast punches after Asuka calls Lili an idiot for messing with others' food. After they move off-camera, Sebastian gets out of the car, unaware of the situation, and says "Brilliant. She's already making friends. I'm so proud of her." A close-up of Lili's smiling face is shown.

Scenario Campaign, "An Extravagant Gift" (Unofficial Synopsis)

In the Scenario Campaign, Lili is a boss at the Queen's Harbor. After the player defeats her, she encounters Lars and Alisa, having done some research on him. She gives them a vehicle to use. Lili tells them that someone gave it to her, but she cannot stand it and considers it hideous. Before she heads back to Monaco, and expressing her lament over not being able to have a rematch with Asuka Kazama, Lili tells Lars to make sure he finishes off Jin Kazama, or else she'll "kill" him. As she leaves, Lars states that he'll try not to let her down.

Lili's Ending In Arcade Mode


(Laughs). You surely don't can beat me?Sebastian, they say they're leaving already.
My battles...are for my father.(Sighs). Sebastian, can't you do better than this?
This is a great place to fight, don't you think?Please don't tell my father.
How long can you stand my attacks?It's time for my afternoon tea. Farewell!
_The moment of victory. I love it!

If you are having troubles with this character, don't forget to PM in my email address :
All copyrights are to Namco, Bandai, and all of Tekken's distributors, crew, staff and producers.


"Leave now if you value your life!"

Character Introduction

Zafina is a new character in Tekken 6. In the trailer of Tekken 6 which is "Power Is Everything", she is shown duelling with Jack 6 and Asuka Kazama. According to the story mode, she is the defender of a royal family grave. One day, a group of heavily defended men came to attack the grave. Zafina, in a young age, took them out single-handedly with her daggers, and was appointed to be the clan's sole assasin. 

Personality and Characteristics

Her looks seems to be as of a Arabic woman in her late 20's, although in her bio-profile, it said that she was 
Indian. She is shown wearing Arabic jewelries and ornaments, as well as her clothes. It is also said that she has a cold personality, as her pre-fight quotes include "Death becomes you", but sometimes, her personality seem to be a little caring as she has a pre-fight quote which says "Leave now if you value your life!"


Zafina, as stated by one of the game's developers, has moves as of a tarantula. It is official that she has 3 stances, namely the "Tarantula" stance, the "Praying Mantis" stance and her "Scarecrow stance"
The Scarecrow Stance (Right Kick + Left Kick)

The Praying Mantis Stance(Down+Left&Right                                                                                                                                                        Kick)

The Tarantula Stance(Down+Left&Right Punch)

At first, a newbie player may conclude that Zafina is very hard to use. I suggest that the player must put her first into practice and memorize how to change her stances. After learning her transitions of stances, learn moves for different stances. After that, practice defense, and then go to Ghost Mode, and try to evade attacks. If you succesfully train yourself to use Zafina, she will almost be invulnerable to attacks as she is a combo spammer as most Zafina players call her. Too many players also complain that she is too "flashy" or sometimes "exotic" but, the real problem is that they don't know how to use her well.  However, Zafina has  a bug wherein when she is in her Mantis Stance, sometimes, she turns her back on the enemy and in order to face again to your enemy, you need to punch mid-air to regain your normal face-to-enemy stance.

  • Zafina having many stances, can easily dodge her enemies' attacks and counter some.
  • She has many moves that can easily make the enemy fall down
  • All her moves are very strong
  • If her moves are used wisely, the enemy will not be able to attack, causing the win to be perfect
  • Her moves are very, very slow
  • She can be too random sometimes, causing her to lose concentration on the enemy


Prologue (In-Game Text)
Zafina was born into a family of evil vanquishers with a bloodline dating back to ancient times. With exceptional spiritual powers exhibited from a young age, she was raised as a warrior assigned to protect the royal family's grave. When that grave was attacked by a heavily-armed group from another country, Zafina dispelled the perpetrators single-handedly. In response to her successful defense, the family elder appointed her as the clan's sole assassin.
In her public life, Zafina used her spiritual powers as an astrologist. Evil omens started appearing in all of the fortunes she divined, and her uneasiness mounted, leading her to the elder for guidance. The elder revealed to her an ancient lore passed on to only a select few. According to legend, when two ominous stars come into contact, the magic seal that the family had protected for centuries would be broken and the world would end.
Upon hearing this revelation, Zafina set off to a land in the Far East, where the evil stars were expected to meet. It is her goal to stop them before the cataclysmic events can be set into motion.

Ending (Unofficial Synopsis)After Zafina defeated Azazel, she emerges from the temple and encounters an old man, who is presumbly her guru. Neither say anything, as they both just nod their heads and go their own ways. The old man leaves the area, and Zafina returns to the temple, with the gates closing behind her. Afterwards, the whole site of the temple collapses. It is unknown of what happened to Zafina.Scenario Campaign (Unofficial Synopsis)Unlike the majority of the Tekken 6 characters, Zafina is not a boss in the Scenario Campaign mode. Instead, she allies with Lars Alexandersson (or another character of the player's choosing) and Raven to fight off an army of Tekken Force soldiers. After this, she gives them the location of the temple ruins that house Azazel.

 Zafina's Campaign Ending

If you have troubles with this character, don't forget to PM me at this email address
All copyrights are to Namco, Bandai, and all of Tekken's distributors, crew, staff and producers.


Welcome to my own guide for Tekken 6. I myself, have been a fan of Tekken since the first game. Tekken really had a great impact on gaming, because it was able to distinguish itself from most fighting games, and retain it's originality in effects, gameplay and even fans. There are worldwide fans for this game. And for me, my latest favorite sequel for Tekken is Tekken 6 because it was able to hit my spot. It is a very good game, boasting all of it's unique gameplay techniques, cool action scenes, and even the graphics. I hope you enjoy browsing through my blog. I will be posting about the main story of Tekken 6, announcements from Namco related to the Tekken franchise, character walkthroughs and stories, and a lot more!                                                                                                    Thank you and have a nice day!